How To Get XP In Fortnite While Idle

When it comes to idle XP in Fortnite, players have discovered clever ways to earn experience points even when they’re not actively engaged in intense battles. One popular method involves Creative Mode AFK (Away From Keyboard) strategies. By simply sitting in the Creative Mode hub, players can accumulate 6,300 XP every 15 minutes.

Additionally, players can explore XP maps within Creative Mode, each with unique challenges and rewards. These maps often change, so staying updated on the latest codes is essential.

Anyway, that’s enough waffling on let’s take a look at the different methods that you can use to get XP fast in Fortnite while you are idling in-game.

How To Idle XP In Fortnite

Below are different methods on how to idle XP in Fortnite, which can help you level up your Battle Pass more efficiently:

1. Creative Mode AFK Method

Sit in the Creative Mode Hub: By simply remaining in the hub area of Creative Mode, you’ll earn 6,300 XP every 15 minutes. You can repeat this process up to five times before you need to back out and start again. Essentially, you can go AFK for a little over an hour and accumulate over 30,000 XP using this method.

2. XP Maps in Fortnite Creative Mode

While Creative XP maps are constantly changing and often get patched within 24 to 48 hours, they are still a popular way to level up. Here are some map codes you can use to earn Creative XP in Fortnite:

  1. 4470-6058-7690
  2. 1862-8843-902
  3. 9322-9705-8969
  4. 0641-9979-4778
  5. 4321-5799-9519
  6. 8476-8997-9615

Each of these maps requires you to perform specific actions to gain XP. For example, in the first map, you’ll need to emote on a star located on the ground but this could change.

After that, you’ll teleport to a new room with a countdown, and once it hits zero, you’ll enter a secret tunnel filled with gold coins for a massive XP boost.

Just remember that Epic Games may patch these maps soon.

3. Stay Alive

Jump into a battle royale game and spawn on the outside of the map or in the middle and hide in a bush and leave Fortnite idle. You will gain XP while other players are being defeated and the storm is slowly coming in.

Final Thoughts

I hope one of the above methods has helped you idle and get XP in Fortnite fast while being AFK. Remember, while these methods can help you earn XP more efficiently, always play the game fairly and enjoy the Fortnite experience!

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